Your prayers are working!

Whitney Copeland (4:12PM PST, Sunday, 2/6/22)

The Doctors from the PICU and the burn care team met earlier this week and determined it would be best to keep Pepper intubated (breathing tube) and heavily sedated since she would be going to the OR daily this week. This would allow them to sedate her and keep her medicated more often to keep her out of pain. One of the PICU doctors who shared with us that the resilience and motivation she is showing is outstanding for a girl in her situation spoke up and was an advocate for her. He loved that Pepper was cheering Krew on from his wheelchair to take a few more steps.  He saw a glimpse of motivation from her that he didn’t want to see tainted if the breathing tube stayed in place for days. He also mentioned how mature she is and wanted to allow her the chance to have a say in being intubated for 5+ days. We really appreciated this, as did Pepper. She contemplated it and decided that if the anesthesiologist decided that medically she needed it left in than that was ok, but she would like it out as much as possible. 

After the first three procedures they were able to remove it. This morning she came back intubated. Her blood pressure was looking better, but because it was so low last night they wanted to continue to monitor it. They actually said her blood pressure had leveled out and improved significantly from last night. Medically there is no explanation for this especially since she received multiple units of blood during surgery. 

I think sometimes when medical doctors and scientists don’t have reasoning for something, it comes off as unexplainable and a phenomenon. I believe in the power of prayer, energy work, and love. I believe the more light and love surrounding a person, the more likely they are to succeed, heal, and beat the odds. Thanking you all for your light and love just doesn’t seem adequate. But here we are anyways, from the bottom of our filled to the brim hearts, thank you.

