
Showing posts from September, 2022


Whitney (5pm PST, Tuesday 9/6/22) We hit our 8 month mark last week. We have been running around from hospitals and therapies and doctors offices the entire 8 months. We decided we had a small window where we could take a break and breath for a bit.  With financial help from a new friend, we are embarking on our first adventure after the accident. We are flying to Bozeman, MT and visiting Yellowstone tomorrow.  The giggles and insomnia were full force. The kids packed their own bags and had them in the van last night. We were up earlier than usual. I woke to little Krew right in my face. “Mom, it’s morning time, let’s go on the plane!”  Once in the airport it was so clear to me that although our lives have changed, we are so ready for what this life has to offer. We are so ready to live and play and enjoy our family.  We were made for adventure and for exploring. We are not done yet.