
Showing posts from January 14, 2022


 Whitney Copeland (1:57am PST, Friday, 1/14/22) We are all getting well known, by name even, in the OR room. Although it makes us feel special it reminds me that we have frequented this part of the hospital all too often. We are forever grateful for the loving kind staff and feel their love deep within our hearts.  Pepper & Krew each had surgeries today.  Krew had surgery #6 as the plastic surgeons worked on healing his hands, the surgery went well. He's now lined up for surgery #7 tomorrow to work on his face once again by the amazing plastic surgeon team.  Pepper had surgery #7 today and worked on healing her back. They removed all synthetic material from her back, as it is not taking very well, and are allowing her body a little break, a few days, before reassessing and coming up with a new game plan. Please send extra prayers her way that her body will accept new treatments and begin to heal quickly. Kyle is healing. His hands and neck accepted the grafts tak...