
Showing posts from December 29, 2021

It's All About Perspective

Whitney Copeland:     Perspective. That’s the word that keeps ringing through my head. It’s all about Perspective. Tragedy has hit our family once again. This is not the first time we have dealt with medical trauma. It doesn’t get easier, but with perspective I can see this for what it is. An experience. One that we were chosen to experience. Perspective reminds me that God will never give us more than we can handle. When I remind myself of that I feel hope. My Kyle and my children’s faces and bodies will most likely not be the same. Their extremities, I’m told will need multiple surgeries and weeks of physical therapy. I’m not sure what that will “look like” in the next few weeks but perspective tells me they are alive and here for a reason. The worldly cares of looks and functionality at this point are just not important. Baby steps. One day at a time will be our motto for as long as we need it to be. I’m overwhelmed by the amount of support from all the friends, neig...

The First Report

Addey Kerr: Thank you everyone for all of the love and support you've been extending. We feel it. We are grateful and have felt buoyed up from the community we have felt throughout the country. By no surprise, Kyle and Whitney have proven to be some of the most loved people I've ever seen. So many have come running to their aid and we can't thank you enough. Many have asked for some updates. I'll share some vague ones here while trying to maintain some privacy for Whitney Kerr Copeland . Kade and Emree and their dog Hazel were not harmed in the accident and are heading to Idaho to stay with family for a while. Macey Jones made an Amazon wish list of some of Emree and Kade's favorite gifts they received for Christmas only days ago and a few items that would be helpful to have. Whitney is caring for her sweetheart Kyle, Pepper and Krew in the Las Vegas hospital. Their burns are very severe and we are trying...

Help is on the way

Addey Kerr:  I've just boarded my plane to Vegas to go be with Whitney. My mom and I will be out there with her by noon Vegas time. I was able to text with Whitney last night for a little bit. She sent me Amazon links to what she got the kids for Christmas, their Christmas jammies and other toys that the kids loved. Lots of books and items she and Kyle need. She said she would love the kids to have things they are familiar with. She's doing good and is SO grateful. Please continue to check the Amazon list as you can and help with these items. I've sent all these items on to Macey Jones and she will be updating the list today so please watch that.  Within 24 hours you have all responded and met so many of their temporal needs. That stress is gone, thank you. Now we wait and allow their bodies to heal and allow the medical professionals and God meet their physical and emotional needs. Thank you for being God's hands.