Bringing Her Home
Whitney (11:21 am PST, Monday 6/13/22) After 158 days, 42 surgeries and countless procedures in the Pediatric ICU, Pepper was finally discharged last Saturday. It was an exciting morning when Pepper woke up feeling better than she had in a few weeks. She specifically asked the Dr, “Can I go home today?” He was so happy to tell her Yes! It was a lot like bringing a new born baby home from the hospital for the first time. Overjoyed, proud, excited, and a bit nervous. I drove that minivan with both hands on the wheel and laser focus. We were bringing our girl home. She is different physically, emotionally, and mentally. We keep seeing glimpses of Pepper before the accident, but I think she will be changed forever in some ways. But with most change I’ve learned, the possibilities for an outcome are endless. It took me a few days to really let it sink in. When it finally hit me Friday night that she was home for good and we were all under the same roof again, I cried hard. ...