Pepper's Birthday Bash w/ Surgery #16
Whitney Copeland (1:31 pm PST, Monday, 1/31/22)
Pepper’s birthday started out with a surgery #16 at 7am. After she came back from surgery and recovered a bit, she was ready to start her day! Every morning the first thing she asks for is her tiara. So, we got that polished and put on her beautiful little head. She got in her wheelchair for a couple hours and decided to go to “the playroom”. A little room they have set up here for patients to get out of their room it’s full of toys and different paintings and murals on the walls it’s a nice place to just be to listen to music. At first, she didn’t want to go out complaining that maybe there was anything for her to do because she can’t move her hands and arms yet. I convinced her to try and when we got in there the staff had a little surprise party for her with presents, and a banner with her name on it. We sang to her, and that contagious smile spread across her face. We bought her a cake, and she was adamant that she needed to wait for dad to cut into it. Dad was able to show up in the evening. By the end of the day, she had lost her appetite and spiked a fever of 103. We decided to do her cake later. Thank you everyone who went out of your way to make PEPPER‘s day special! We loved all of the messages cards packages and special things sent our way.
The next couple of days we’re really rough. She was extremely ornery and short with all of the staff. She was very emotional and crying and crying and crying and in lots of pain. Kyle and I made an executive decision and asked the Doctor to get her an order for a catheter. We thought maybe in alleviating some of her pain during the day and night from the excruciating rolling around in her bed to change all of the bedding underneath her every time she used the bathroom would be better. A catheter was placed last night. Pepper had an amazing nights rest! She woke up smiling and chipper and very herself. She is off to surgery this morning, #17 to do a full body scrub and dressing change. They will also send cultures of each of her wounds to be checked for bacteria growth. Praying everything goes well!
Last night, Pepper was brave and decided that she’d like to see her siblings for the first time through FaceTime. It was such a good little conversation and so needed. About halfway through she was looking at herself in the phone and said “oh wow! I haven’t seen myself for a couple days. I’m lookin’ good!” That was a very reassuring thing to hear, and I absolutely enjoyed listening to the giggles as these siblings reconnected for the first time since the horrific event.
Happy Birthday, beautiful girl.