As Of Tuesday Night - 1 week

Whitney (7:40pm PST, Tuesday 1/4/22)

Kyle has been very anxious dealing with past PTSD, medical trauma and anxiety. He has a great team of therapists and nurses willing to help him out with his struggles and we are so grateful! He has bandages all over his face and currently can only open and see out of one eye, the other is still too swollen. Kyle is scheduled for surgery tomorrow 1/5. He will have cadaver skin removed from his hands and possibly be ready for skin grafts for the backs of his hands. He is so happy to be off the ventilator and able to drink and eat! He has OT & PT everyday and he was able to get up and walk to a recliner in the corner of his room. He was able to sit there for about 30 minutes today. His mood is very gentle and humble. He is filled with gratitude. 

Pepper had her breathing tube removed last night 1/3, and oh it’s been glorious! She is having slight issues swallowing so they have held off on giving her food and water until her speech therapy (in charge of reteaching her how to swallow) comes in tomorrow. For now she can “drink” water from a water sponge. It’s not what she wants but she is so happy she can have something. Pepper is scheduled for her 4th surgery tomorrow, 1/5 at 7am PST. She will have her cadaver skin removed, face scraped, and skin grafts put in the places on her body that are ready. If there are places that didn’t take to the cadaver skin new cadaver skin will be replaced. Peppers eyes are both wide open and as blue as ever!! She is complaining that her right eye is hard to see out of, time will tell the extent of the eye injuries. Pepper is spunky and opinionated, she knows what she wants and all the nurses are quickly falling in love with her. 

Krew became very swollen, even more than we thought possible. The drs started him on Lasix last night 1/3 and by morning he was significantly less swollen. The nurses weighed him and he had gained 7lbs of water weight. He’s now regulating his swelling and urinating lots! He has been scheduled for his 4th surgery Friday. He wakes up when ever he is wiggled, or respiratory therapy is in the room giving him treatments. Tonight 1/4 he responded to my voice and followed small commands like, show me your tongue, show me your teeth. He even smiled. Krew is still on a ventilator, with breathing tube. His eyes are still swollen shut (we still haven’t seen his eyes since the accident) and he is being heavily sedated. It was good to see him respond tonight, made my mommy heart happy.
