
Showing posts from May 20, 2022

This is what we came for

 Whitney (7:23 am PST, Friday, 5/20/22) Surgery #41 in the books yesterday morning. The Dr. was very pleased with how everything is looking. Cadaver skin was placed on all open areas on Sunday. Bacteria counts are down. We have a window.  This morning Pepper will have all open areas covered with her own skin, again. The 3 antibiotics she has been on for 10 days will continue this week to keep the bacteria away.  The resident (working with the burn team) found me in the cafeteria and said, we are rooting for Pepper. We are all going to be in there listening to “This is what we came for” (Calvin Harris) on repeat until the surgery is done. This made my heart happy.  Please join our family in lifting up extra prayers for Pepper this morning.