It's All About Perspective

Whitney Copeland:
Perspective. That’s the word that keeps ringing through my head. It’s all about Perspective. Tragedy has hit our family once again. This is not the first time we have dealt with medical trauma. It doesn’t get easier, but with perspective I can see this for what it is. An experience. One that we were chosen to experience. Perspective reminds me that God will never give us more than we can handle. When I remind myself of that I feel hope. My Kyle and my children’s faces and bodies will most likely not be the same. Their extremities, I’m told will need multiple surgeries and weeks of physical therapy. I’m not sure what that will “look like” in the next few weeks but perspective tells me they are alive and here for a reason. The worldly cares of looks and functionality at this point are just not important. Baby steps. One day at a time will be our motto for as long as we need it to be. I’m overwhelmed by the amount of support from all the friends, neighbors, past acquaintances, family, medical personnel and complete strangers. We feel so supported, so lifted up, so grateful. Please keep asking what you can do, I’m sure your time to support in different ways will arise. It’s a true blessing knowing I can count on those around me to hold me up when I feel like falling over. Keep doing what you are doing. Heavenly hosts surround us here. My most challenging role right now is to be in 3 places at once. Pepper & Krew are on the same PICU unit, and are across the hall from each other. So as I sit in one child’s room I can somewhat see what commotion is going on in the other child’s room. Kyle is a lengthy walk away (which provides a moment for reflection) in a burn unit. I’ve contemplated getting a Segway, like the one in mall cop, but quickly decided against it. I’d probably hurt myself or someone in my way. Once the kids are stable enough they will eventually be moved to the same unit as Kyle, but that won’t be for a couple of weeks, or so. I’ll have somewhat of an update later today, after doctors make their rounds. Both Pepper & Krew are tentatively scheduled for their 2nd surgeries this morning, depending on the stability of their vitals. Prayers are encouraged.
