A Tender Moment with Pepper

Whitney Copeland:

I just had a tender moment with Pepper. It’s difficult to decipher only lip movements so when we can communicate it is a joyous moment for both of us! 

She was asking about the bus. And everything on it. I asked her if she remembered that the bus was on fire. She said yes, then asked what about everything? I said everything was burnt and lost in the fire. But everyone in our family got out and is safe. I then asked if she wanted to know about a surprise. She said yes. I told her that someone bought her an iPod touch and that they are mailing it here. She said, who? I told her I didn’t know and she smiled so big I thought her face might burst. Immediately after she asked, what about Kade? I said he got a new switch. What about Emree? I told her she got a new tablet and Krew did too. What about you? I have my phone and it still works! Daddy? I told her daddy will get a new phone. She nodded her head and looked very content. I love her. I love that even in a sedated state, she still has the gift of caring for others. She is my sweet darling. 

She opened both eyes and I think she saw me for the first time. I was just a few inches from her face and I took the damn mask off and smiled big and I just saw the recognition in her eyes and smile. Her eyes are still swollen but she opened them a little, they look cloudy, but still a pretty blue. We don’t know the extent of her eye injuries yet but she nodded when I asked if she could see me.


  1. This warms my heart! Thank you for sharing these amazing miracles!

  2. Thank you for the update ❤ praying for your family

  3. ♥️ tender mercies ♥️
    Sending all our prayers

  4. This brought happy tears to my eyes. Our prayers and love contiue to be sent. ❤❤

  5. Oh Whitney you are in my heart and I’m so grateful that Pepper is aware. I love that beautiful ball of joy so very much. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you.

  6. What a beautiful experience for you both. She's strong like her mama! Keep your chin up!

  7. Goodness me. This really got my heart ❤ your family shows so much strength and fight. Sending masses of love and well wishes from the UK ����


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