Role Models

Whitney (9:30 am PST, Saturday 6/18/22)

Chick-fil-a run in between appointments. It was fun to slow down for a minute. 

While there, a very wealthy young man, dressed in a cool suit and sunglasses in his late 20’s I’d guess pulled up in a cool car, with his music blasting. He was in line behind us. As my kids were bouncing around excited to order their meal rattling off the precise orders they wanted, some not caring what they got at all. He watched and listened. When we got to the beginning of the line and rattled off the orders he patiently waited. When we had first arrived I offered that he go ahead of us because I knew we were going to take much longer than him. He just smiled and let us go ahead. That man paid for our order. It was a very generous offer as he stated “your family is absolutely beautiful I’d be so happy to pay for your meal, would you let me?” I obliged and was so grateful. I let him know that Kade’s jaw dropped open when he saw his car and he thought it was pretty sweet. He smiled and said “yeah, I saw him looking at it.”

This allowed me to have a pretty decent conversation with my 10-year-old son. 1) Allowing others to serve you, can be difficult. But it brings joy, so much joy to those yearning to serve. 2) If we have means, it’s so important to watch out for those around us. Even if they don’t need it or deserve it. It is good. 3) You can look cool and actually be a cool person. (We went into a little more depth on this one). 

I’m grateful for that experience. I’m grateful for role models for my kids that keep showing up and allowing them to learn through life experiences. I’m also grateful for chick-fil-a chocolate chip cookies. 

Find a small act of service to do today, for a complete stranger. Stretch a little, get out of your comfort zone and you’ll feel so good about it! It’s contagious.


  1. That awesome. 😍😍😍🥰 giving is a great thing and helping is too. Great gentleman


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