More Obstacles

Whitney (6:07pm PST, Monday, 4/4/22)

We stretch chin, neck, arms, hands, fingers, legs & feet everyday. Working hard not to contract. This will be a full time job when she comes home, adding to our need to rub Krew. 

Grafts tentatively penciled in for her forehead maybe later this week. No plan as of yet for the next burn surgery. 

The graft on her right breast/neck didn’t take again, for the second time. It is also growing bacteria. As a result she has a fever this afternoon. 

When they opened her dressings yesterday (day 4 after surgery) the grafts looked very wet and the Dr. was not pleased. Some of the grafts on her legs took ok. One on her left shin isn’t looking very good. They took a sample of that area on her shin today to check for bacteria. 

She has a really bad tummy ache today and diarrhea, nauseous and no appetite. I think she may have a tummy bug. 

A good friend we made on the unit with a similar injury was discharged today. We are so happy for our friend! It left Pepper feeling a little sad, and left behind. Reminded me of when Krew was discharged. The poor girl just wants to go home. She’s had a rough go at today. She is comfortable now and sleeping. 

One step forward, two steps back.


  1. I am praying for Pepper, for your family, for healing both physical and the emotional trauma of that night. Your family's story has touched my heart and is such a reminder that there is so much goodness, so much of God's grace even in the midst of terror and pain. This world is not the end, the greatest part of your story is yet to come because of Jesus. Covering y'all in prayers and wishing you a very peaceful and joy-filled Easter weekend, sweet Copelands. Chin up, Pepper - you are a strong, fierce, tenacious, steadfast girl and your life is a LIGHT. I am so glad you are here. The world needs you and you are going to do great things.


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