More, more, more

Whitney (10:39pm PST, Tuesday 4/12/22)

More bacteria. More scrubbing. More antibiotics. More debridement. More pain. More set backs. Pepper continues to push forward. 

The burn team is wanting to stay ahead of the bacteria. The grafts that are on her body are fragile, and the bacteria can go from the inside and work it’s way to the surface. Making the current grafts on her body at risk. We are in graft survival mode. Pepper will have a shower, surgery, or sedated dressing change everyday for about a week. At this point she has less than 5% of area to cover. 

We are doing our best to keep her spirits up and keep her moving. Surgery and shower days are the hardest, it takes a few hours to get her warmed back up, comfortable, and weaned off of the anesthesia, which can make her very emotional. Her appetite is still good, and we still take daily orders and enjoy hearing what she’s craving. 

More time. More memories. More movies. More reading. More cuddle time. More of Pepper. We’re so blessed to have her.


  1. So painful. Cannot imagine, or can and it is beyond painful.

    I would think the hospital knows - cocoa butter, shea butter covering burns helps healing. They mimic the fat structure of the skin and shield it. Bacteria and virus cannot get through. Especially in a hospital setting where resistant bacteria and virus are present.

    I burnt my arm and it was so painful. I had to always cover it with one of the butters, and cover it. At times I let the air hit it, and would cover again until scabbed. A friend gave us frankincense essential oil and that also sped up healing tremendously. I was surprised. It acted as an antiseptic and did not hurt, I was surprised at at that as well.

    In terms of butters, the best are organic but they don't have to be and some may be and just do not have the label. The ones we used were 'virgin', meaning unprocessed, unbleached. Those things take out some of the benefits and alter the butters.

    This can hopefully work with and in conjunction with the other treatments. I hate to see her in pain when something may help. Western medicine can be very invasive.. I am NOT a doctor or physician .. and am someone who has seen her body heal miraculously and know what is inside your littles is the most powerful healer...

    The body heals itself every second. It is amazing.


    1. They also help with scars.

      We should say that they help prevent infection by being a layer between the wound and the air. Am sure there may be some superbug that likes cocoa or shea butter...? Would have to do more study and research on this. But it was a great relief to have this on the wound. I would add more throughout the day as my body would absorb the cocoa butter. Not so much the shea butter, which is thicker and will stick in place like a nut butter bandaid.

    2. How is the puppy??? What is her / his name? They are children too

  2. I testify Heavenly Father knows how and when to heal. Trust in His time. Always in our prayers and thoughts. I swear I feel like I know you better than my own family. Tee hee.


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