Pepper's New Skin

Whitney (3:00pm PST, Friday 3/18/22)

The long awaited Pepper update! Surgery #31 this morning. Her left shoulder was re-grafted, because of the previous infection that graft did not take. They also did a large portion around her left knee. They took skin from her stomach for these areas this time. All cadaver skin was removed, and replaced with a skin substitute. 

Her face’s healing has slowed significantly. So they have decided to graft it, today it was scrubbed and a skin substitute placed to prepare for a graft hopefully end of next week, along with the rest of her legs. If all goes as planned, Pepper should be 100% covered in her own skin grafts by the end of next week. This is HUGE. 

Her left eye was opened on Wednesday and her right was opened today during surgery. It was so good to see those big blue eyes this morning. Her spirit is doing ok. She’s quiet and a little reserved, but overall when not in pain, in good spirits. They left her arms and hands (other than left shoulder) open to air this week and she has been exploring her new body. She is so brave, we are so proud. 

Over all the team is very happy with how her grafts are healing. She was in quite a bit of pain, but is resting comfortably now. The staff really wants to see her up and moving around this week. We feel your continued prayers and love.


  1. Happy to hear such positve news. Many hug and kisses to you Pepper.


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