Hard News
Whitney Copeland (5:45pm PST, Saturday, 2/5/22)
We are asking extra prayers for Pepper. We have found out the fever on her birthday and at the beginning of this week are due to an extensive staph infection in her shoulder and back. She has gone to surgery three times this week, to scrub away and scrape as much infection away from her burns. They have removed all synthetic graphs from her upper body. It is a very aggressive approach and the Dr’s all agreed it is appropriate with the amount of infection. She will have surgery #21 tomorrow morning, for yet another scrub. We will be back to square one with her upper body, once the infection is cleared.
Today her blood pressure is lower than usual indicating her body may be under more distress than her outward appearance and sweet spirit may be showing. They have started her on two extremely strong antibiotics, and they are really trying to get ahead of this before it gets out of hand and potentially life threatening.
Today the Dr. shared pictures of every square inch of our baby girl’s body with Kyle and me. It was so difficult to see her in that state. The Dr’s had to amputate her pinkie up to the first knuckle on her right hand, and up to her first joint on her fourth toe on her right foot. As a parent you want to protect your children and keep them safe. We still feel deeply that we somehow failed. But that is a lie that Satan would have us hold onto. Kyle got her out. I pulled her off that last step and patted her down. She is alive. Her story is not over. Not today, Satan. Today we watch Harry Potter, wear Minnie Mouse ears and we eat a nine-day old birthday cake. Because we can! Today we will laugh and spend time with our Pepper.
Side note: Pepper read all 7 Harry Potter books on the bus, in about 6 weeks. We joked and said we didn’t see her during that time. It was a joy watching her love those books. We started watching the movies just before Christmas, Prisoner of Azkaban today.
My heart is heavy with sorrow for this set back. But this I know without any doubt and with firm conviction of heart all things work together for the good for those who love and trust the Lord.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first heard your story my first prayers were for Klye. That he would never feel guilty nor beat himself up over what has happened. You both must know this is not your fault. We often feel guilty when we feel vulnerable. It's a natural response. We can rise above our natural responses because we are God's choosen children and we know better. He has a path for us to walk. It is one of faith not guilt. It is one of courage and surety because he holds us in the hollow of His hand.
As parents we want to control the outcome for our children and make it always safe. Here Heavenly Father is in control we are all counting on Him to heal her infection. Their are many faithful saints praying for your family. You are being watched over. Please stay strong and feel our love and lean on our strength and faith when you need too. All my love. From Fulton, NY