
 Whitney Copeland (1:57am PST, Friday, 1/14/22)

We are all getting well known, by name even, in the OR room. Although it makes us feel special it reminds me that we have frequented this part of the hospital all too often. We are forever grateful for the loving kind staff and feel their love deep within our hearts. 

Pepper & Krew each had surgeries today. 

Krew had surgery #6 as the plastic surgeons worked on healing his hands, the surgery went well. He's now lined up for surgery #7 tomorrow to work on his face once again by the amazing plastic surgeon team. 

Pepper had surgery #7 today and worked on healing her back. They removed all synthetic material from her back, as it is not taking very well, and are allowing her body a little break, a few days, before reassessing and coming up with a new game plan. Please send extra prayers her way that her body will accept new treatments and begin to heal quickly.

Kyle is healing. His hands and neck accepted the grafts taken from his thigh and the Doctors are very happy with how they look. Kyle is determined to heal and “get out” as soon as possible to be upstairs in the PICU with the kids more often. He's visited 3 times so far, and each visit has been cherished. As much as Mommy is needed, Daddy’s voice, touch, spirit and protection cannot be replaced. 

Pepper & Krew are both on a normal diet. They loved the "all you can eat popsicle" stage, but they were ready for food when they were offered! Peppers first meal consisted of mashed potatoes and root beer. That was her first choice, it was such a small and simple joy, but it was so so needed! Krew has loved to chug as much apple juice as they will let him. He even ate a whole chicken strip tonight! 

The calorie needs for these children are so high. The doctor said about 50% extra is needed than the usual for their ages. The problem is with them going to so many surgeries, and daily dressing changes with heavy sedation, they frequently cannot eat anything until these procedures are done. It’s somewhat a contradiction to their treatment plans. So small, high calorie, easily accessible snacks/meals are needed for when we get the go to eat! 

We are consistently moving forward. The road ahead seems dim at times, but it’s the little moments we count on. Joy is everywhere and always accessible. We feel love pouring into and through our lives.

Side note, check out this video. This is one of the many options they have for incorporating new skin growth. I am fascinated by this kind of stuff, and I am so grateful that there are people out there, that make such amazing products. Hug your science teachers!


  1. That was the coolest video! Love you guys so much & feel so much gratitude that you are are still here with us. Praying everyday for all of you 💛

  2. Krew reminds me so much of my little boys. Keep fighting buddy. Pepper, your story is nothing less than heroic protecting your little brother like you did. We’re praying for you!!

  3. Fascinating video! I'm grateful for technology and brilliant minds that can do what they can to make your journey a little easier. Thank you for sharing your journey and vulnerability with us. <3

  4. It’s so good to hear things are moving forward.. you all are in our prayers and thoughts.. we love and miss you all!


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