
Whitney Copeland (5:00 AM PST, Saturday, 1/22/22)

Pepper did well with her shower yesterday, the Dr. was very pleased with how her wounds are looking. The cadaver skin on her arms, torso, and back are adhering well. They will take her in Monday for #14 to remove the cadaver skin and put a different synthetic skin down. This will be extensive and a long procedure, her legs and feet will have to wait until later next week. She still has a good appetite, and requests food like a pregnant lady would, we are so happy to oblige. Her pain is uncontrolled at times but they are working diligently to get it under control. 27 days, building tolerance to these medications are definitely an issue it’s a challenge these drs are willing to take on. 

Krew had a chest x-ray this morning and his lung had significantly improved, prayers are working! He is also off the paralytic medication and I saw his eyes and smile for the first time in 8 days! It was glorious. Just what this mama heart needed after such a long day! He still can’t talk, the breathing tube will hopefully be removed today or tomorrow. We had a moment. I would blow him a kiss puckering my lips really big and long and he would smile and make the same puckering motion back to me. It was so sweet. I drove a little police car up his leg and arm and parked it next to him, the grin on his face was just so Krew. It was a very thoughtful specially selected gift from our 2 nieces, Willow & Autumn. Krew loves it and I’m sure is itching to finally be able to grasp it one day! 

Kyle is doing well, I’m so proud to be his wife! He is just taking this like a champ, I can’t imagine having my eyes sealed shut. I just love him. Just a few more days of torture, then we will see his eyes again too. The plastics team mentioned he may need a graft (surgery) on his left ear. To be determined. 

I continue to rest when I can and be at the bedside of whoever needs me the most. I’m grateful for my health and stamina. I’m also grateful for my background in nursing, it is serving me well during this time. 

Kade & Emree are thriving and loving cousin time. They are in good hands. They are enjoying extra curricular activities and public school. I’m not sure they will want to leave, I’m glad they are so distracted. I miss them immensely and look forward to holding them again soon. 



  1. Your positivity is so admirable. They are so blessed to have you. Cheering for your family. ❤️❤️❤️


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